
Prosperity in God

I am very much disturbed, namely, confused by the explanation in regards to prosperity.

The world often says, men have infinite capabilities, as long as we work hard, set good goals, follow them step by step and not give up, we sure will prosper. In other words, we will obtain what we want. We can gain fame, become wealthy and enjoy more things life offers. People might create some mottos like, "Believe in yourself, never give up and success is yours".

In reality, is that true? Do we actually reap more if we sow harder?

Clearly, the world doesn't offer a satisfying answer in regards to living a real prosperous life.

First question I would like to ask is, does being famous and wealthy mean prosperous?

Secondly, what does prosperity mean?

Now in some churches, they preach prosperity gospel, and I just feel some of the teaching has a tendency towards self help steps. Every time I hear it, I wonder if that is what God offers.
Eg. "Have faith in God, yearn for more, then you will find a good job, your children will be blessed and you will buy the house you always want. Trust God will turn impossible to possible"..etc. Sounds great, but is that the truth?

Perhaps I will invite you to tell me what you think a prosperous life is, and how you interpret a prosperous living in God.




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