
Was I right or wrong?

Yesterday I had very special encounter. It turned out to be a breathtaking one at the end and in fact I could be in danger, but I think I don't regret doing it.

Around 12pm, I was walking towards the train station from home to go to the city. Along the way, I passed a lady who stood in the middle of the footpath looking dizzy, her head was down and wasn't standing properly. Though it was just a glance, I continued to walk for 5 metres, the image of the lady still remained in my head, in just a few seconds, a lot of coversations went on in my head. "Stop? No stop? You are going to be late for train. Go back to check up the lady." At the end I stopped, turned around and walked back towards the lady knowing I would be late for the train I was catching. I approached her and asked "Are you ok? Do you need a hand?" Nodded and shook her head. While talking to her, I saw two fresh wounds on her face, one on the corner of her right eyebrow and one on the edge of her mouth. They were a little swollen and still had blood on it. Looking at her wound, I thought "Oh no, have I gotten into something I cannot handle? This must be a domestic violence case or something and she must had been bitten really hard to not able to stand properly."

Later I realised that she was drunk and hugged me and said "you are my sister~". I was really terrified in fact to be hugged by a stranger. She cried and cried and said "my mother, my mother". I asked what happened, but her reply was "nothing".

I guessed that she must have gone through a lot so I asked if I could pray for her. I repeated at least five times just to wait for her to reply. But suddenly she stopped crying and stared at me with anger and started swearing to me. She asked me who I was praying to, and I said Jesus. She swore again and commented that I am praying to someone who doesn't exist. She became very offensive since I started mentioning about Jesus, she swore mutiple times at me so at the end I quickily walked away without saying anything.

On the train, I prayed for her and asked Jesus to reveal Himself to the lady in a mighty way and that she would experience His love and be truly touched. Though I questioned myself a bit if it was the right thing to do, was it worth doing that? Some of you may think I am silly because I was putting myself in danger. Well, I thought so too until I read a commentry on the John gospel and it said if we obeyed God to do His will, whatever danger or persecution we may face, He will always protect us. Truly it was God's direct answer to my question, that is, obey Him to do everything He has assigned us to do and trust Him with all the rest. "For we are God's workmanship, created to do goods works which He has prepared in advance for us to do"(Ephesians 2:10). How faithful my soverign Lord, praise Him.

From this experience, again I experienced our Lord Jesus Christ's faithfulness and love. I have learnt to obey His command and not turn away from Him even though I was unwilling in doing so. There are so many people out there with a broken life and needs Jesus, if we Christians are also indifferent to the things around us, how many lives have to endure longer pain? Having said that, I am not encouraging people to out ourselves in dangerous situations in order to proclaim Christ, I am saying, be encouraged to listen to God's voice and seek His will. Do it only when He asks you to, because He knows best. You may ask how to listen to God's voice, well, I may write another post to fully explain what I have learnt from my friend and my own experience. Pray! Prayer is a great way to hear God's way, give Him time to speak to you and you surely will hear Him.



I am so blessed

I am so thankful for what God has given me in Japan. I am thankful for the amazing Bible Study Fellowship here in Japan. Not only do we have a godly lady as our teaching leader, that speaks with great enthusiam, wisdom and clarity; but also have wonderful Japanese Christian ladies coming to seek the word of God with great desire and expectation EVERY WEEK. What wonderful works God has been doing here. I am super excited for God's cultivation in Japan, it's amazing!! I am thankful for the church I belong to. I am thankful for my bible study leader and lovely group members who greet me with love and care. The first time I went to the church, I was warmly welcomed by the people and never felt left out even for a minute! I am thankful for the opportunity to be able to share my faith with some people I have met. Please pray for my friend, who told me today that she would also like to come to church with me this Sunday. She is a girl in my dorm, from Cambodia and her name is............

I miss the Australian accent!

Since coming to Japan, I have met many Americans, but have only met one Australian. Hence have been hearing a lot more American accents than the Aussie accent. Just now I was listening to a sermon from Hillsong, and while listening to it, not only the message was great, but the Australian accent made me felt excited! The Australian English was very pleasing to my heart~ I love American accent, but Australian accent makes me think of Australia! It feels homey and makes my heart glad to hear. Wow, I didn't realise that I am already missing Australia until I hear the Australian speaking to me~~ This is rather funny. Logically, this shouldn't be the time to miss Australia but to enjoy every excitement that is in Japan. However, I think I am feeling a bit "home sick" already^^ Thanks to my trip to Japan. Until I came to Japan, I didn't know how much I love Australia. Japan is also fabulous! It's the country I have been longing to come, and now I am so thankful for ...

We are made to see God

Japan is so much fun. I live everyday with excitement and joy. Though there are some interesting culture differences I discovered in the past few weeks ;sometimes shocked, sometimes surprised, and sometimes amazed! 1. Women do not eat at small ramen shops(counter type/stand type) and Japanese beef-don shops alone. One day I went into the shop alone and was eyed by the chefs from the beginning to end. At the end, I realised there was not a female in the shop, but only males. After asking around some Japanese people, they told me that it is the way it is, no one knows why, but they just live according to it. There is no set rules restricting women from eating at those shops, but women just don't go in alone. 2. It is a manner to on the water flowing sound in the toilet. Without doing so, Japanese people feel embarassed. Put your hand over the black sensor and the water flowing sound starts. 3. Most people reading on the train have a non transparent book cover covering the title pa...