
Oh, how much the Word comforts the soul

Tonight I read short passage on a devotional journal and was greatly comforted by the love of God. C. H. Spurgeon wrote, "Then go, plunge yourself in the Godhead's deepest sea. Be lost in his immensity; and you shall come forth as from a couch of rest, refreshed and invigorated". How beautiful is that, I like it especially when he said "be lost in his immensity". God is indeed immense, but we often limit Him with our limited minds and sights and forget that He is actually IMMENSE. How wonderful will it be to be lost in God's immensity and be comforted by His immense love and tenderness.

In Matthew 11:29 Jesus said, "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls".

Our hearts at times are restless with the things happen in our lives and sometimes we do lose our hearts and do not live in peace. Peace to many people may be an impossible thing to experience because of the situations they are going through, however, in God, everything becomes possible. Jesus speaks of the way to find rest for our souls and that is to "take His yoke upon ourselves and learn from Him". In other words, no matter what situation we are facing in our lives, so long as we take God's yoke upon us and learn from Him, we will have peace and absolute comfort. Jesus died on the cross and all our sins, burden and pain had already been taken away. In order to make it a reality, we need to "go, and follow Jesus".

I have felt restless recently but now I am thankful to God that He is with me and speaking to me with this wonderful passage. God really has comforted me this week and I am in awe of Him, praise Him for His faithfulness, unconditional love and Jesus for being a bridge between us and God, so we may communicate directly with God. God's intimate love is just so direct and real, and I really do pray that many more people may experience the same thing, too. Hallelujah!



I am so blessed

I am so thankful for what God has given me in Japan. I am thankful for the amazing Bible Study Fellowship here in Japan. Not only do we have a godly lady as our teaching leader, that speaks with great enthusiam, wisdom and clarity; but also have wonderful Japanese Christian ladies coming to seek the word of God with great desire and expectation EVERY WEEK. What wonderful works God has been doing here. I am super excited for God's cultivation in Japan, it's amazing!! I am thankful for the church I belong to. I am thankful for my bible study leader and lovely group members who greet me with love and care. The first time I went to the church, I was warmly welcomed by the people and never felt left out even for a minute! I am thankful for the opportunity to be able to share my faith with some people I have met. Please pray for my friend, who told me today that she would also like to come to church with me this Sunday. She is a girl in my dorm, from Cambodia and her name is............

I miss the Australian accent!

Since coming to Japan, I have met many Americans, but have only met one Australian. Hence have been hearing a lot more American accents than the Aussie accent. Just now I was listening to a sermon from Hillsong, and while listening to it, not only the message was great, but the Australian accent made me felt excited! The Australian English was very pleasing to my heart~ I love American accent, but Australian accent makes me think of Australia! It feels homey and makes my heart glad to hear. Wow, I didn't realise that I am already missing Australia until I hear the Australian speaking to me~~ This is rather funny. Logically, this shouldn't be the time to miss Australia but to enjoy every excitement that is in Japan. However, I think I am feeling a bit "home sick" already^^ Thanks to my trip to Japan. Until I came to Japan, I didn't know how much I love Australia. Japan is also fabulous! It's the country I have been longing to come, and now I am so thankful for ...

We are made to see God

Japan is so much fun. I live everyday with excitement and joy. Though there are some interesting culture differences I discovered in the past few weeks ;sometimes shocked, sometimes surprised, and sometimes amazed! 1. Women do not eat at small ramen shops(counter type/stand type) and Japanese beef-don shops alone. One day I went into the shop alone and was eyed by the chefs from the beginning to end. At the end, I realised there was not a female in the shop, but only males. After asking around some Japanese people, they told me that it is the way it is, no one knows why, but they just live according to it. There is no set rules restricting women from eating at those shops, but women just don't go in alone. 2. It is a manner to on the water flowing sound in the toilet. Without doing so, Japanese people feel embarassed. Put your hand over the black sensor and the water flowing sound starts. 3. Most people reading on the train have a non transparent book cover covering the title pa...