
I have seen God's plan for me, so why worry?

I am thankful to God that I have been accepted to go on exchange in Japan starting from September 2010. Although all the rest of the people who applied to Waseda were accepted, I still feel a sense that it was God's grace to me to put me in one of them. I cannot imagine that I deserve this honour to go to Waseda University for exchange and given the opportunity to pursue the long awaiting dream. And now IT HAS COME TRUE!!!!!!!!

The application process for this exchange was not easy. Firstly, before we actually applied, we had to have our academic scores averaging higher than 70 and 75 for the language subjects that the the country you intend to go speaks. Maintaining high marks at university is not considered an easy thing, and I believe it was more so for me. Secondly, to apply, there were many forms to fill in and documents to prepare, for example, academic references from the professors who have taught you , a complete study plan, two exchange essays(one for the home univeristy and one for the host university which comes later on) and a clear financial plan with supported documets,..etc. All the processes were complicated and a lot of attention was needed and organising the documents were time consuming ,too, not to mention the limited time we were given to have all the correct and adequate documents ready. I remember we were only given one week to collect all the information needed for the second round of the application and it was in the midst of our busiest assignment and test periods.

Back to answering the title, why did I say I have seen God's plan for me? The reason is because of the wonderful location BSF(Bible Study Fellowship) women evening class I found. It is located just 1.6km away from my "hopefully" future dormitory. More to be amazed, there is only 1 women class in the entire Japan, and it is just located perhaps 10 minutes walk from my future dormitory.

A quick note about BSF, it is a wonderful Christian Ministry for everyone who is intersted in whether exploring or learning more abour Christianity. It is highly recommened to those who wants to study the bible in depth, and the bonus is that it is totally FREE.

To be honest, I was quite worried about whether I will be able to stay in the Waseda International Student Dormitory. However, after looking up the location of the women BSF class, I was convinced that it must be God's plan for me to apply to Waseda, study with BSF and I will be able to stay in the Waseda International Student Dormitory before I even knew about it. Everything just perfectly ties together and I just can't think if I didn't live in Shinjuku and instead living perhaps 1 hour away from BSF class, what more special plans God has installed for me. Knowing that God is perfect and loves me, plus knowing the location between my hopefully future dormitory is enough to be comforted, no matter what the result will be. At the end, things will still turn out perfectly because it was God choice for me.

My choice for the dormitory room is to be staying in a sharing room with 1 other person. I really had no idea and the final decision was made after consulting with my mother, and I was quite satisfied with the decision made.

Yes, so the conclusion is that I shall not worry anymore and patiently wait for the final result that is "hopefully"coming at the end of July.




感謝主 感謝祢是允許諾言的主 謝謝祢回答了我的祈求 謝謝祢為我的安排的計畫 謝謝祢為我安排的ㄧ切都是有計畫性的 謝謝那40天的禁食與禱告 謝謝祢藉用那個機會教導我、接近我、使我成長 使我有勇氣去跟他人傳福音,和他人分享你的好 也藉由學習您的話語 我對這個世界更有希望 對自己的人生更有目標 因為我知道 我的家人需要我 我需要學習如何愛 並將您的愛傳遞給他們 如何關懷受傷的人 將您的平安醫治他們的心 如今媽咪以跨了一大步 願您能持續的利用她身邊的人 來傳遞您的愛 告訴她能藉由耶穌基督得到救贖 多麼值得慶祝的ㄧ刻 我將持續向您學習 儲備自己對您的認識 以將隨時謙虛的做您的服伺

I am so blessed

I am so thankful for what God has given me in Japan. I am thankful for the amazing Bible Study Fellowship here in Japan. Not only do we have a godly lady as our teaching leader, that speaks with great enthusiam, wisdom and clarity; but also have wonderful Japanese Christian ladies coming to seek the word of God with great desire and expectation EVERY WEEK. What wonderful works God has been doing here. I am super excited for God's cultivation in Japan, it's amazing!! I am thankful for the church I belong to. I am thankful for my bible study leader and lovely group members who greet me with love and care. The first time I went to the church, I was warmly welcomed by the people and never felt left out even for a minute! I am thankful for the opportunity to be able to share my faith with some people I have met. Please pray for my friend, who told me today that she would also like to come to church with me this Sunday. She is a girl in my dorm, from Cambodia and her name is............

Talk to me God

What is the greatest treasure in life? Through my devotion, I saw that Jacob found his ultimate treasure in life and in the end he embraced it with thankfulness and joy. He found Jesus by his side. He was overjoyed that God of Abraham and Isaac talked to him personally. After he encountered with God, his life turned around. My personal prayer today is that I would draw near to God and invite Him to talk with me personally and privately. Even a silent whisper may be the greatest treasure I gain today. What is God telling me today? >Be renewed and transformed. Increase your thirst for me and I will bless you abundantly. I have never promised a smooth life but what I give, the world cannot give you. Seek it with all your heart. Love me and love the people, my child. Pray for this world and bless them with the hands I have given and blessed you.