

God has not forgotten you

神未曾忘記過你  In the midst of hardship, it's so easy to be caught up in our circumstances. We may often wonder where God is and why doesn't He take away our pain? Genesis 39:2-3 2  The  Lord  was with Joseph so that he prospered, and he lived in the house of his Egyptian master.   3  When his master saw that the  Lord  was with him and that the  Lord  gave him success in everything he did. Though Joseph was wronged, faced unjust imprisonment, the Lord was always with Him. God's favour was on him even in the darkest times.  God was with Joseph all along, God will also be with you through the ups and downs of life. Do not be afraid, do not be dismayed, He will deliver you when the timing is right. Hang in there, pray always, submit your requests to Him and He will definitely come to your rescue. Will you choose to trust?


因為心眼瞎了才看不到耶穌 求主憐憫我,醫治我的心眼,讓我的心眼不再瞎 讓我可以真正的見你的榮面 讓我看見這世上最寶貴的就是祢,耶穌

When I am weak,then I am strong

Today's message reminds me to acknowledge my weakness as a human being and recognize my need for my source, my provider and my ABBA FATHER. God doesn’t need us to be strong in ourselves, our abilities, or our know-how! Proverbs 3:5,6 exhorts us,  Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and  He will make your paths straight. Often times I thought I was capable to do things well without anyone's help. However, the fact is--there are so many things in life I can't control. There had been occasions I knew I could do nothing to change the situation. During those times I was again reminded that we humans are so weak and helpless without God. What can we do then? 1. We acknowledge our weaknesses. Let’s admit our limitations. Without Christ, we are weak — and not just a little weak — we’re totally helpless and hopeless. But believer, we are not without Christ! 2. We rely on His strength! We are able to s...

Am I living like a daughter of God?

The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Romans 8:15-16 Today's reading comes from Romans 8. It talks about believers being set free from slavery and accepted as sons and daughters in Christ. If God is my father, the source of joy, peace and abundance, why am I still enslaved to fear? Fear has always been one of my greatest enemies. I can fear all sorts of things, whether be fearing that I am not perfect enough to be loved, not smart enough to do things right , not pretty enough to be noticed, not being able to say the things right to be accepted...etc.  All the fears the devil speaking into my mind  always seem so true that they overwhelm me and make me think that I am the worst person in the world and I am not going to be any better. The more I agree with ...

Talk to me God

What is the greatest treasure in life? Through my devotion, I saw that Jacob found his ultimate treasure in life and in the end he embraced it with thankfulness and joy. He found Jesus by his side. He was overjoyed that God of Abraham and Isaac talked to him personally. After he encountered with God, his life turned around. My personal prayer today is that I would draw near to God and invite Him to talk with me personally and privately. Even a silent whisper may be the greatest treasure I gain today. What is God telling me today? >Be renewed and transformed. Increase your thirst for me and I will bless you abundantly. I have never promised a smooth life but what I give, the world cannot give you. Seek it with all your heart. Love me and love the people, my child. Pray for this world and bless them with the hands I have given and blessed you.

Good morning Jesus

It is hard for me to focus on Christ first thing in the morning when there can be so many things waiting for me to prepare and do for my beloved students. I often have excuses to have breakfasts or get my correction done before my daily devotion. Everyday is a challenge for me to rid of myself, commit to God, then start my day. My prayer is that I will first of all make a commitment to myself and diligently follow the plan and always pray that I will decrease and God will increase in me.

The person I respect

I have a freind from high schol who I truly respect. Not only her, the whole family is truly a real respresentation of Christ's love and grace.  I see.selflessness, deep joy and strong family unity in their lives. Their characters and the way they live their lives were powerful and unforgettable testimonies to me. I rarely think about over the years how much impact other people have placed in my life, and often forget about how God weaved all these people and circumstances to bless me and make me into the being He wanted me to be. I have received so much yet taken so much of these special plans for granted. In His unfailing love, He continues to pour out His grace and love to me regarless.